Divorcing couples with children have a lot to consider. They must decide upon various arrangements for their child’s future, including the often emotional and challenging matter of child custody. Custody determinations are designed to settle the physical and legal custody of children. The parent who is granted physical custody of the child or children is called the custodial parent. If you’ve never been through a legal process such as a divorce before, the idea can be quite intimidating and overwhelming. So many details must be decided upon, and they all affect you and your family’s future significantly. That’s why you should discuss the details of your divorce situation with a qualified and experienced divorce and family law attorney. Once you understand how to navigate the road ahead, you will be more prepared to make significant decisions when they arise. 

Custodial Parents and Custody Arrangements

When a person is designated as a child’s custodial parent, numerous substantial duties come along with it. A child lives and spends the majority of their time with the custodial parent. This means a custodial parent must provide the child with a stable upbringing, ensuring a home, food, clothing, education, and much more. When parents divorce, it can significantly alter the lives of their children. This issue should be handled with great care to minimize trauma to the children. In some instances, parents turn to mediators or judges to decide custody arrangements for them. When a judge becomes involved, he or she is required by law to rule in the best interest of the children. Judges consider numerous factors relating to the needs of the child and the family’s situation to determine what is best for them. Then, the court makes a decision that places the child in the most stable, nurturing environment.

Legal Custody

Legal custody accounts for a different aspect of children’s lives. While a custodial parent has physical custody, legal custody establishes the degree of influence a parent can have in their children’s lives. With legal custody, a parent has a say in important matters that affect their child’s life. This may include choices regarding education, religion, healthcare, and more. Even if a parent does not have physical custody of their child, they can still be awarded legal custody. Judges make custody decisions based upon the family’s present circumstances. However, family situations may change as life goes on. A family might face new circumstances that no longer fit their initial custody agreement. When this happens, a reassessment and modifications can be made. This court can modify a custody arrangement to better suit a family’s new situation. This custody matter may seem overwhelming, but rest assured, an experienced divorce and family law attorney can help you find your way through to a favorable outcome. Attorneys understand that it is essential to provide effective and efficient legal guidance during such a pivotal time in your family’s lives. Be sure to discuss your legal matter with a lawyer and get the quality legal representation you deserve.